All Things Christian - Guest Blog Post 1

As we continue to explore the intersection of faith and culture, we are thrilled to welcome C. Michael Patton to our team of guest contributors. A well-respected theologian and Christian apologist, Patton brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our publication.

With over 20 years of experience in ministry, Patton is the founder of Credo House Ministries, an organization dedicated to helping Christians grow in their faith and understanding of Scripture. He holds a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and has published numerous articles and books on theology and apologetics.

Patton's insights into the Christian faith and its relevance in modern society are both thought-provoking and enlightening. His work has garnered attention from scholars and laypeople alike, and he is known for his ability to make complex theological concepts accessible to a broad audience.

In particular, Patton's expertise in the areas of biblical interpretation and church history make him an invaluable addition to our team. His contributions to these fields have helped shape contemporary discussions around the role of tradition in Christian life and the importance of interpreting Scripture within its historical context.

We are thrilled to have C. Michael Patton join us as a guest contributor, and we look forward to sharing his insights and perspectives with our readers. Whether you are a seasoned theologian or simply curious about the intersection of faith and culture, Patton's contributions are sure to inspire and challenge you.  He will be a major contributor in our journey together to a deeper faith.

The Subsistence of the "You" Argument

The Subsistence of the "You" Argument for the Existence of God

Guest Contributor:  C. Michael Patton, Credo House Ministries

Have you ever stopped to ponder the concept of personal identity? While our bodies are in a constant state of renewal, with every cell being replaced approximately every seven years, we still perceive ourselves as the same individuals we were in the past. This intriguing phenomenon raises questions about the nature of our existence and leads us to contemplate the existence of something beyond the physical realm. In this blog post, I explore the idea that the persistence of personal identity suggests the presence of an immaterial soul or spirit, ultimately pointing towards the existence to God.

The Ever-Changing Physical Self

Science tells us that our bodies are in a perpetual state of flux. Cells die and are replaced, tissues regenerate, and our physical appearance evolves over time. It is estimated that every cell in the human body is replaced within a span of approximately seven years. From a purely physical and material standpoint, the person you are today is not the same person you were seven years ago.

The Illusion of Continuity

Despite the physical changes, there is an undeniable sense of continuity and sameness that persists within us. We believe that we are the same individuals who experienced the past, made choices, and forged relationships. This fundamental belief in the continuity of our personal identity is deeply ingrained within us.

The Supernatural and Cognitive Dissonance

To reconcile the belief in personal identity with the parameters of naturalism and atheism, one must confront a state of cognitive dissonance. Naturalism, which asserts that everything can be explained by natural laws and processes, leaves little room for the existence of an abiding self. According to this worldview, there would only be replicas of individuals over time, lacking any true continuity. in other word, there is no real subsisting “you.”

Implications for the Criminal Justice System

The notion of personal identity and its implications extend beyond philosophical musings. The criminal justice system, for instance, relies on the concept of individual accountability. If we were to accept the naturalist perspective fully, the idea of holding someone accountable for the actions of their “old cells” becomes problematic. It challenges the very foundation of our legal system and raises questions about our understanding of responsibility.

The Testimony of Personal Identity

The persistence of personal identity serves as a powerful testimony to the existence of something beyond the physical realm. If there is a continuous and abiding “self” that transcends the physical changes, it demands the presence of an immaterial essence—an aspect that cannot be explained by purely naturalistic means.

The Existence of a Higher Power

From this perspective, the existence of a subsisting “you” points towards the existence of a higher power—God. The enduring nature of personal identity seems to defy the constraints of naturalism and atheism, emphatically implying the presence of something supernatural. It demands the existence of an immaterial soul or spirit that transcends the physical body, providing an explanation for our sense of continuity and personal identity.


The mystery of personal identity continues to captivate our minds and challenge our philosophical frameworks. While our bodies undergo constant change, we perceive ourselves as the same individuals over time. This persistence of personal identity raises profound questions about the nature of our existence and the existence of something beyond the physical world. The belief in an abiding self points towards the supernatural, highlighting the possibility of an immaterial soul or spirit. Ultimately, personal identity serves as a testament to the existence of God.

Editor's Note:  Please feel free to visit Michael's website at Credo House Ministries to read more of his intriguing works.

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