How to Organize Your Kitchen Cabinets for Optimal Storage and Safety

The kitchen is the heart of the home. It's where we cook, where we eat, and where we socialize. But it can also be one of the most cluttered and disorganized rooms in the house. If your kitchen cabinets are overflowing and you can't find what you need when you need, it's time for a change. With a little bit of planning and forethought, you can easily organize your kitchen cabinets for optimal storage making it a safer environment as well. A well-organized kitchen will make cooking and cleanup a breeze. Follow these simple tips to get your cabinets in tip-top shape.

Messy Kitchen

1. The first step in any organizational project is to start with a plan. What do you want your kitchen cabinets to look like when they're finished? Do you want all of your dishes to be in one cabinet, or would you prefer to organize them by type (plates, bowls, cups, etc.)? What about food? Would you like to keep all of your non-perishables in one cabinet and your perishables in another? Decide what will work best for you and your family and make a list or sketch out a floor plan of your ideal kitchen cabinet layout.  Then gather your supplies. You'll need garbage bags, boxes, labels, and tape.

2.   Once you have a plan, it's time to start purging and organizing. Go through all of the items in your kitchen cabinets and get rid of anything that you don't use or that is expired.

Donate anything that is still usable but that you no longer need.   Empty out each cabinet, one by one. As you take each item out, decide if you're going to keep it, donate it, or throw it away.

Wipe down all of the shelves and drawers as you go. Once everything is clean and decluttered, it's time to start putting things back. Utilize drawer dividers, plastic bins, and other storage solutions to keep things organized and easy to find.

Label everything so that even your kids will be able to put things away correctly.

3. Wipe down all of the shelves and drawers as you go to get rid of any dust or debris that has collected. Once everything is clean and decluttered, it's time to start putting things back.

4. Put items back in the cabinets based on the frequency of use. The things you use most often should be within easy reach. Utilize drawer dividers, plastic bins, and other storage solutions to keep things organized and easy to find.

5. Use clear storage containers for frequently used items like spices and oils. This will help you see what you have at a glance and avoid duplicates.

6. Utilize vertical space by hanging pots and pans from hooks on the wall or ceiling.

7. Keep plastic wrappers and aluminum foil in a drawer close to the fridge for easy access when meal-prepping or packing leftovers.

8. Store cereal, crackers, and other dry goods in airtight containers on high shelves to keep them fresh longer.

9. Put bulky appliances like stand mixers and slow cookers away when not in use to free up counter space and cabinet space alike.

10. Take an inventory of your pantry once every few months to ensure that you're not holding onto expired food items.

Organized Kitchen

Organizing your kitchen cabinets may seem like a daunting task, but it's actually quite easy! A well-organized kitchen is a joy to cook in! By taking the time to declutter and organize your kitchen cabinets, and following these simple tips, you can turn your cluttered kitchen into an oasis of calm efficiency.

If you need storage ideas, check out our article below for inspiration:

10 Kitchen Storage Ideas That Will Make Your Life Easier
Here are some great ideas for kitchen storage to make your life easier!
Kitchen Storage Ideas

Don't give up! You can transform your kitchen into an efficient workspace that is easy to navigate and enjoyable to be in. Start with a plan, purge & organize, and maintain regularly to keep your kitchen looking its best. Bon Appetit!

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